New Artisan Made Goods in the WorldWomenWork Shop

Our online shop is live! We hope you love these pieces as much as we do.

The WorldWomenWork shop carries a unique selection of artisan made goods from around the world. We carry a range of items including jewelry, home goods, and clothing. Each piece is carefully selected by Singer Rankin, president of WorldWomenWork, for its unique quality and craftmanship. Singer travels throughout Africa and Asia, buying beautiful things from local women artisans who are working to develop income alternatives for their families and their communities. 100% of the the profits from every sale goes to fund conservation, education, and skills building projects for women in some of the world’s most environmentally threatened countries.

Large Orange Moroccan Cactus Silk Pillow Cover

Large Orange Moroccan Cactus Silk Pillow Cover

By purchasing a product from our store you become part of a chain reaction. 100% of the profits from your purchase is given back to help fund women working for economic independence, a better community and on the front lines of conservation of critically endangered species and environments. Thank you for your support.