The Grevy's Zebra Trust

Grevy's Zebra Trust

The Grevy’s Zebra Trust helps conserve the endangered Grevy’s Zebra and their fragile habitat. It is estimated that there are only 2,000 Grevy’s Zebras left.

WorldWomenWork helps support the Trust and director Belinda Mackey by employing underserved women from communities that share the zebra’s land. WorldWomenWork provides the salaries for thirteen scouts who monitor the zebras and collect critical data for understanding the animals and their plight. In 2012, scholarships were provided for five young women to begin a secondary education. These young students are a rarity in these communities where girls almost never have an opportunity for a high school education. Students and their greater community also witness firsthand that preserving an endangered species brings great benefits.

Grevy's Zebra Trust

Did you know that for only $7 you can provide one woman with enough reusable sanitary pads for one year? Well, you can through the Grevy’s Zebra Trust Sanitary Pad Project.

The goal of this program is to empower women through the production and marketing of reusable sanitary pads. The Grevy’s Zebra Scout ladies are trained in the fabrication of the pads, and they in turn sell them to their peers and community members. In April 2015, 29 women and 10 men participated in training workshops to make the sanitary pads.

By providing women with accessibility to feminine hygiene products, we are giving them freedom over their biology. This program will enable girls and women to improve their personal hygiene and health, as well as providing school-going girls with the confidence to continue classes during their menstrual cycle.

In order for the conservation of the Grevy’s Zebra to be successful, it is important for the community to thrive. This program provides yet another avenue for alternative income for women of the community. By investing in the improvement of the livelihoods of these women, we strengthen the connection between the community and the Grevy’s Zebra.

In 2015, WorldWomenWork funded this program through the generosity of our donors.